eFNS - Alien Card - Information Pack

Welcome to the Immigration Passes Information Pack

Registration of foreign nationals is governed by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act of 2011 part VII (56) 2 laws of Kenya. The law requires that all foreigners resident within Kenya for a period exceeding 90 days be registered.

Section 2 of the repealed Alien Restriction Act Cap 173 Laws of Kenya defines an alien as any person who is not a citizen of Kenya. A foreign national is defined in Part 1 of the newly enacted Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011 as any person who is not a citizen of Kenya.Choose any of the services below to find out their requirements and apply.


The following persons are exempted from Foreign National Registration.
  • Serving member of the armed forces
  • A public officer and the spouse and children
  • A person exempted from the provisions of the Act under section 34(3) of the Act
  • A refugee registered under the refugee Act 2006
  • A person who resides in Kenya for a continuous period not exceeeding three months and is in possession of valid visitors or other authority under the Act e.g special pass

Foreign Nationals Certificate (Alien Card) Application

Foreign Nationals Certificate (Alien Card) Application

Registration of foreign nationals is governed by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act of 2011 part VII (56) 2 laws of Kenya. The law requires that all foreigners resident within Kenya for a period exceeding 90 days be registered.

Re-entry Pass Application

Re-entry Pass Application

Re-entry passes are only issued to holders of dependant passes.

Extension of Visitor's Pass

Extension of Visitor's Pass Application

This pass is issued to person(s) with a visitor's pass and seeking to extend the duration of stay in the country.