eFNS Application Information Portal

Select an application type to find its requisite information.

Foreign Nationals Certificate (Alien Card), Re-entry pass, Extension of Visitor's Pass

Registration of foreign nationals is governed by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act of 2011 part VII (56) 2 Laws of Kenya. The law requires that all foreigners resident within Kenya for a period exceeding 90 days be registered.Part 1 of the newly enacted Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011 defines a foreign national as any person who is not a citizen of Kenya.

Permanent Residency

Permanent residency is a status granted under section 37 of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act of 2011 as read with the regulations to former citizens of Kenya, children of Kenya citizens born abroad, spouses to Kenya citizens and persons who have held work permits in kenya for at least 7 years, their spouses and children


A Work Permit is a document issued by the Director of Immigration Services, under the provisions of section 40 of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011, to enable foreign national (s) enter Kenya and engage in trade, prospecting, farming, business, professional employment, missionary activities or even reside in Kenya.


There are three (3) main types of passes issued in Kenya i.e special pass, dependant pass and Student/Research/Internship pass. These are specified under Section 26 of the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Regulations, 2012.


This service is for those applicants seeking to be registered as Kenyan Citizens. The mandate for this service is obtained from the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011,the Kenya Citizens and Foreign Nationals Management Service Act, 2011 and the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Regulations, 2012.